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The Rainbow Room

The Henderson County Rainbow Room was founded in 2000 as an emergency resource center to provide new clothes, personal hygiene items, school supplies, etc. to local abused and neglected children that are served by Child Protective Services. Through the generous donations of individuals, companies and foundations, we help approximately 650 children a year. When children are removed from a home due to abuse or neglect, they usually leave with only the clothes they are wearing....that's where the Rainbow Room steps in, helping to fill their needs as they transition to foster care. Every dollar we receive makes the difference in the life of a Henderson County child. We hope you will partner with us as we continue to help these children.


Meetings are on the third Tuesday of the month at 9:30 a.m. at the Henderson County CPS office in Athens.



Tel: 903-676-2416

420 Athens Brick Road

Athens, TX 75751

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